Viral Workout - Episode 1

CDC recommends we stay home in efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19. This is a strange and unsettling time for everyone. The invisible threat that is the coronavirus leaves us constantly wondering if we’re under-reacting or over-reacting. Of course, hindsight will be 20/20. As to encourage folks to maintain a dose of physicality in their new, and hopefully very temporary, daily routine we will be providing simple, family-friendly workout routines to perform with limited or no equipment. Please remember that the added stress of change and uncertainty also takes a physical toll on the body, so pace yourself as needed. Substitute movements as needed; for example, if the split squats are painful, substitute another lower body exercise such as lateral step-ups or air squats.

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15-20 minutes:

5 Weight Overhead Split Squat (reps ea side)

10 Weight Standing Side Crunches (reps ea side)

10 Alternating Toe Touches (R/L = 1rep)

10 Weight Ground-to-Overhead

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